i. Daemen Voice
There were 38 Daemen Voice issues distributed between 5/26/2020 and 5/17/2021 to an average of 7,183 recipients. Of those recipients we had an average open rate of 30%, which is higher than our peer and industry average. The average click rate was 3.2%, the is a little below both averages. This discrepency is largely the result of the format of the Voice. As a digest publication the majority of our readers do not click into the story as the descriptive headline and summary suffices for their needs.
ii. Website Analytics
- The Daemen College website was accessed 1,521,619 times over the date range of 6/1/2020 through 5/18/2021.
- Unique Pageviews: 1,196,153
- Pages per Session: 2.19
- Average Duration: 1:44
- The majority of our desktop (43.88%) visitors view our site using Safari (42.17%) and Chrome (39.96%). Internet Explorer and Firefox both saw a decrease in use. This is a very important year for the Daemen website, this is the first year that Mobile/Tablet (55%) traffic surpassed desktop traffic (45%).
- The majority of our mobile (52.68%) visitors are comprised of iOS (41.16%) and Android (11.52%) users.
- The top 5 pages accessed last year (not including the homepage and MyDaemen) are Academics, Admissions, Search, Majors and Minors A-Z, Physician Assistant Studies MS.
- Our top 10 search terms for last year are Tuition, Transcripts, Library, Bookstore, Employment, Registrar, Directory, Physician Assistant, Nursing, Financial Aid.
2021 vs 2020 User Stats
2021 Pageview Stats